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Family Based Treatment for Eating Disorders:
Empowering Parents and Reducing Patient Relapse


Theresa Fassihi, PhD, FAED, CEDS-C

heresa Fassihi, PHD, FAED, CEDS-C, has more than 25 years of experience treating eating disorders at all levels of care and is intensively trained in Family Based Treatment.

Family Based Therapy (FBT) is considered Line 1 Treatment for anorexia and bulimia in children and adolescents by the Academy for Eating disorders.  The treatment involves giving parents structure and support for refeeding their children and helping them regain independence in managing their own nutrition.  Emotion Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) provides additional tools for effective communication between parents and their children.  Considerations for how to prepare parents for this challenging work will be discussed.

3 Learning Objectives

  1. Participants will be able to describe the three phases of FBT.
  2. Participants will be able to apply the five principles of FBT.
  3. Participants will recognize the power of parental use of validation in their communication with their children to help them regulate their emotions, as demonstrated in EFFT.

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